I will never ride in the boat with Nikki Weber ever again.
Allison Hinrichs – Nebraska
Allison dedicated so much of her time to growing in the sport. Whether it was taking the team out for practice or making sure everyone was ready to go on the dock, she fulfilled every duty that one could ask of her.
She saw major improvement from her hard work during practice by almost running a course (5 buoys- lay out for 6 next time), to remaining a top competitor in the Midwest kneeboarding, and becoming consistent landing her jumps.
Her hard work doesn’t stop with her improvement skiing. She stepped up immensely as a leader for Nebraska fulfilling the role of Women’s captain and essentially Men’s captain after he couldn’t devote the time to it. Allison became a vocal leader and was crucial in the team’s success this season. Her hard work should not go unnoticed.
Oh….. and she took second at the annual booty shaking contest. <—lots of hard work devoted towards that