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  • in reply to: Happy Award – Most Supportive Alumni #55783
    Katya WardleKatya Wardle

    Allie Kutsch from UW-Madison!! She was someone that I looked up to as a freshman while she was a senior on the team, and was my first contact in the 3-event world. As the secretary, she welcomed me with open arms, making me feel like I had met a forever family within the first week of school. She would drop anything to help out a fellow skier (whether she knows them or not) and we couldn’t be more grateful to continue to see her bright face at tournaments—just as a judge this time! She’s remained deeply committed to this sport, willing to sit in the judge’s tower for hours in the sun just to allow the rest of us to ski. We’d all be extremely lucky if we can even be a smidge like her once we graduate. She continues to look out for skiers both on and off the water, providing career opportunities and acting as a mentor for many. She’s got an infectious passion for the sport and continues to go above and beyond to ensure that skiers feel comfortable and safe at tournaments. She has unwavering dedication, encouragement, and tireless efforts in uplifting the waterskiing community, and is someone who undoubtedly deserves this recognition.

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