Home Forums 2018 SkiAmmy’s Team of the Year

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  • #52992
    Michael NewthThe MCWSA

    What team had the biggest improvement, the largest growth, or posted massive scores? Nominate a team below, and let us know why you think they deserve the award!


    La Crosse (LAX)


    Iowa State

    They, rightfully, won NCWSA’s Team of the Year, not sure what other qualifications a team needs. But if that doesn’t cut it for some, their actions as a team are truly worthy of this award. ISU skiers have been and continue to be some of the most supportive skiers you’ll find on Team Midwest. They hosted 3 tournaments this year and helped at all of them (even sending an ISU dad down to drive at Nationals this year). When not supporting their own teammates and fighting for the Spirit Award, you’ll find their skiers cheering for other teams and giving plentiful tips, laughs, and high fives. Iowa State has helped Team Midwest when we needed it most this fall, all with smiles and the brightest of attitudes, surely deserving of Team of the Year.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by sgranecsgranec.
    Roy HagglundRoy Hagglund


    Claire HanselClaire Hansel

    Ohio State

    In the past, OSU has been lucky to have many “ski babies” on our team who grew up running the course, hitting the jump, and learning tricks, and we have had huge success at regionals and nationals. This year, however, we were built entirely out of skiers who had never even seen the jump or the course prior to college (with the exception of a single male slalomer). Although we knew it would be a lot harder to earn the regional title, we worked incredibly hard all summer and fall, and we ended up regionals champs for the third year in a row. This year was particularly special because we could not rely on any one skier to pull in all the top scores for us. Every skier put in a huge amount of work, and we were able to pull through as a team and see all of our effort pay off.


    Miami University

    Last year, Miami graduated 14 seniors, leaving the team unsure of how this last season would be. We knew how important it would be to recruit new members and quickly teach people about three-eventing. We had five returning girls and within the first two weeks of the semester, lost 1 of our two jumpers to an injury. But even though we were unsure of how our semester started we worked so hard and got 15 incredibly driven new members. We wanted to focus on taking it one tournament at a time, having PB after PB at every tournament (and 15 PB’s at nationals!). When we made it to nationals, it was such an incredible accomplishment for our team. Every single returner and new member put in so much work to contribute, making sure new members were getting the opportunities to practice during the week with lots of help from Libby and Ron. It was truly all about putting a score on the board and having a full team. 11 out of the 19 skiers that went to Nationals had never skied on A team before and 8 of them had joined the team in the fall. I am so extremely proud of every ones hard work and dedication to truly taking a rebuilding year and seeing our hard work still pay off with the ability to go to Nationals.

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