Home Forums 2024 SkiAmmy’s Rookie of the Year

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    Which freshman made the biggest impact on their team this year in the MCWSA? Maybe they put up big scores, or brought in some new talent!

    Be sure to tell us why you think your nomination should be selected!


    I nominate Katie Tollefson from Iowa State as rookie of the year. She joined the team at the start of the season as a freshmen and has been putting up amazing consistent scores at every tournament. At Nebraska she PB’d in trick with her first time scoring over 1000, and at all 3 tournaments she skied 4.5 @ 22’ and jumped 60 feet. She not only is amazing on the water but she is such a supportive skier to everyone. She is always helping coach us and cheer everyone on and is truly one is the kindest people that we are all so grateful to have on our team.


    I would like to nominate Kaitlin DuCharme for rookie of the year. Kaitlin joined our team this year with no experience in waterskiing but very quickly became one of the most valuable members of our women’s team. Kaitlin was a very quick learner, she was able to land jumps after around 5 attempts and trick became one of her strengths after just a little bit of practice. I sincerely believe that even as a beginner she inspired all of us to do better both in and out of the water.


    I would like to nominate Adam Gray as rookie of the year. Adam came onto our team as a freshman, confident in his skills, waterski knowledge, and wanting to get better. He skied A-team in 2 events at all the tournaments and consistently tricked over 1,000 and slalomed into 34 after not having competed in 4 years. When asked if he was nervous for his trick pass at shredfest, he responded with “No, I know I’m a good skier”. Looking ahead, he’s ready to improve for next year. He’s signed up for our spring break trip to Pickos and is looking to take his single cuts a lot further for next season.


    I would like to nominate Jack Wiedmeyer for rookie of the year. Jack joined Purdue Waterski this year, and was eager to compete and try new things! He skied A-team in both jump and trick all season, and was one of our top team point scorers. Jack always starts his trick run with two flips, and continued to improve his run each week until he consistently hit 1490. He jumped 64, and, to everyone’s surprise, eagerly sent a ¾ after his second single cut ever. Jack works hard to better his skiing and has fun doing so, all while encouraging and supporting the rest of the team.

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