Home Forums 2022 SkiAmmy’s Most Outstanding Senior Male

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    What male senior made a huge impact on their team this past year? Maybe they posted impressive scores, helped grow their team, or did something else to leave a positive lasting effect for the MCWSA!

    Let us know your nomination below!

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by AndyAndy.
    Mandy LawsonMandy Lawson

    The University of Nebraska Lincoln would like to nominate Jacob Ocholik for the Most Outstanding Senior Male. Jacob was a solid member of the Nebraska team and never failed to help even when he wasn’t asked. Jacob completed all of our physical labor projects even down to the team flagpole. Jacob was the best sport when it came to helping prepare for home tournaments. We appreciate everything Jacob has done to support the University over the years.

    Sam TascheSam Tasche

    The University of Wisconsin-Madison would like to nominate Devin Mulrooney as the Most Outstanding Senior Male for 2022. First and foremost, Devin brought a new, competitive and invigorating energy to our Men’s slalom team never seen before. After his first eventful year on the team, he proved himself captain-worthy with his clutch tournament performances on both A and B teams to cement his position on the slalom team. But his ambitions did not stop at just gaining a position on the board or the slalom team, he pushed himself in practice during the summer to become the best skier he could, and the results showed. Devin won Hawkeye ski fest, skiing into 32 off the line at 34 which is the first time I’ve seen a UW skier so pitted and stoked. When you see a DAWG performance like this you start to question if maybe slalom can be …cool? PBs became the norm for each tournament even for other top slalomers on our squad like Victor ‘Igor’ Banovetz showing some emotion this year! Although these events may seem isolated from the “shoreside” of things Devin committed many hours to changing the oil in the boat, setting up a new jump practice, driving new skiers, teaching new skiers, creating a dockside vibe for each skier, and so much more. You truly cannot put into words what The Devin Effect is but all you’ve got to know is he has that DAWG in him.

    Joey GilroyJoey Gilroy

    Cam Kerns (Miami)
    Cam Kerns has grown tremendously both as a skier and as a person since his freshman year. He was a ski baby who had burned out and wasn’t too into skiing competitively, but quickly changed his attitudes towards tournaments after coming to collegiate ski tournaments. Since then, Cam has helped Miami grow and get over the D2 hump, earning spots at D1 Nationals twice (including their highest tournament placement ever!). Under Cam’s leadership, his team has become more social than ever, reaching out and helping other teams and skiers that ask for it. Outside of his direct role as President of his team, Cam also served as the Collegiate Chair in the Ohio Waterski Association. In that position, he spearheaded a project that brought back collegiate clinics to Ohio. He and his committee were able to create an opportunity for over 50 skiers from 7 schools to get coaching they wouldn’t have access to otherwise.

    Mary NelsonMary Nelson

    Miami University President Cam Kerns not only has impressive scores in all three events, but has led Miami to Back to back years in Division 1 Nationals which hadn’t been done since 2012. Cam has put his heart and soul into this team without expecting any recognition or praise. Most of his work for this team goes unnoticed, but is essential to our success. He has set a leadership example for this team and will be leaving this team better than when he joined it.

    Emma LongEmma Long

    I would like to nominate Cam Kerns for Miami University. Cam is an absolute asset for our team and we definitely would not have been as successful without him. He led Miami to D1 nationals two years in a row!! He is an amazing leader who created a fun, dedicated environment at Miami. I hope Miami can continue the legacy Cam created and continue to progress in the D1 division.

    Arianna ErkmannArianna Erkmann

    I would like to nominate Cam Kerns from Miami of Ohio. Cam has poured his heart and soul into this team and has never expected anything in return. He has led our team into competing back to back in Division 1 Nationals for the first time since 2012 and been there to support every one of our members in ways that often go unnoticed. Cam is an excellent skier who not only brings it on the water but also ensures our team thrives by behind the senes work many don’t even know exists. Cam is leaving this team as a better organization than when he joined it his freshman year.

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