Home Forums 2018 SkiAmmy’s Most Outstanding Senior Male

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  • #52990
    Michael NewthThe MCWSA

    What male senior made a huge impact on their team this past year? Maybe they posted impressive scores, helped grow their team, or did something else to leave a positive lasting effect for the MCWSA!

    Let us know your nomination below!


    Jared Lutz – Miami Waterski

    Jared Lutz has been a leader of the Miami University Water Ski Team since he arrived on campus freshman year. Jared’s previous involvement with the water ski community as well as his incredible talent has been integral to the team’s success both personally on the water and also with his coaching ability. Jared has served as both Captain and President of Miami’s team as well as serving in positions at a regional and national level. He has been around the sport since his early childhood and loves to share his knowledge with skiers around him. In Jared’s last season, he got first place at the Great Lakes Conference and second place at both Regionals and Nationals in slalom, closing out his collegiate career. What I think makes Jared such an outstanding senior is his love for the sport and his teammates. We can all see that Jared is an incredible skier, but the tremendous amounts of effort he put into his roles as captain and president of Miami’s team shows his love. This past year, Jared understood how important recruitment was to our team after graduating such a strong senior class. With his leadership we brought in 17 active new members. He always knew how to handle any situation thrown at him and was extremely supportive of skiers. He is passionate, supportive, and intelligent. He always makes sure that he, and the rest of his teammates, are prepared to give their best performance at any competition. His hard work and dedication have helped to deliver us to two consecutive National Championships during his tenure, and we could not be more grateful.


    Evan Marcus (LAX). Overall talent on and off the water is unparalleled.

    Evan MarcusEvan Marcus

    Jarad Meyer – UWMAD

    He’s actually a senior and is an amazing skier and friend. Humbled to know leaders like himself.

    Evan MarcusEvan Marcus

    Michael Trebisovsky (thank you facebook for the spelling) – ISU

    Outstanding skier, recognized performance, if missing…..can be found on podium 😉 He had a great season this year and it was well earned.

    Allison HinrichsAllison Hinrichs

    Marky Mark Anderson–Nebraska

    Marky Mark has put so much work into building this team and truly making it what it is today. He’s worked tirelessly to make sure that everything that the team needed for any event was ready to go and complete so we could travel with ease. He knows an abundance about the ski community and the people within it and brings all of his ski knowledge to practice with him so that he can build up his team. He brings out the real slothiness in everyone and makes everyone who joins the team feel included and welcome and he never stops!
    Not only that but he’s an amazing skier and has really shown his skills this last year! He’s put so much work into his ski life, working every summer at Bennetts and bringing what he has learned there to our skiers back in Nebraska. So proud of what he has done for the team and the legacy he has left for others to follow!


    Mikey Trebisovsky – ISU

    Mikey has quite the talent considering he came into collegiate waterskiing with minimal experience. Over the 4 years, he’s put in great time and effort to better himself and the ISU team, offering up both driving time and skiing tips. He once even told us he went to class in his swimsuit and no backpack, just so he could sneak a set in that morning. Oh and he bought himself a course just so he could practice during the summer. He soon became ISU’s most consistent skier (in all 3 events), always putting up high scores despite weather conditions. Furthermore, he could also be found volunteering at the tournaments (maybe bc Amber forced him to, idk) and always at the starting dock cheering on skiers. His bad jokes and great skiing combo will be a tough act to follow for the future ISU boys.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by sgranecsgranec.
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