Home Forums 2024 SkiAmmy’s Kiedrowski Award (Most Supportive Skier)

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    What skier has been the most supportive over the past year? Maybe they helped carry jumpers down the lake for every skier on your team. Or possibly helped coach and drive practice all season?

    Be sure to tell us why you think your nomination should be selected!


    I would like to nominate Mitchell Hack. MSU’s women’s captain and self proclaimed “Best Women’s Captain in NA”, I have never met someone who cares more others individual success than Mitch. Whether he is announcing at Nationals (Yes with Tony) cheering on all the skiers from all of the teams, or make sure that our newest skier is in the right headspace to get up on skis for the first time, Mitchell is there. I remember at Conferences, everyone wanted to go to Mexico, however we still had over five women’s B-skier’s who needed to ski. Mitch did not move from his post, as all the other teams and some of his teammates were leaving he stood on that dock making sure that every skier got the same opportunity and felt the same excitement everyone should feel getting pulled out of the water for the first time! Mitchell is one of the most supportive members of the waterski community and more than deserving of this award.


    For the most supportive skier, I would like to nominate Rachel Bell. As Miami’s women’s captain, she showed an unmatched love for the team. Her care for each teammate went above and beyond, and I’ve truly never met anyone with such a consistently positive presence. Rachel made it a priority to check in on all of us, not just about our skiing, but also about how we were doing in our everyday lives. She made sure everyone knew she was there for them, no matter the circumstance. Even on the days when she wasn’t skiing herself, Rachel was always present at the lake, offering encouragement and support. She always knew exactly what to say to lift someone up when they were feeling down about their skiing and when someone had their best day on the water, Rachel was the first to celebrate with them, making sure their success was known and appreciated by everyone. She’d be the first to sprint to the other end of the lake to be part of a tunnel or a PB tackle. At night, when most of the team was getting ready to go out, Rachel wouldn’t leave the dock until she knew that every B-team skier had someone to send them off. Her dedication to making sure each teammate felt cared for, supported, and valued was unwavering. Her heart was in everything she did for each member, from writing cards to talks on the dock there was never a time Rachel wasn’t there being our team’s most enthusiastic supporter.


    I would like to nominate Nicko Pinedo for the most supportive skier award. Waterskiing is not just about individual performance; it’s about the late nights, the early mornings, and the people who show up no matter what. And if there’s one person who has consistently shown up for this team, it’s Nicko.
    This season, Nicko went above and beyond, stepping up when we needed him most. When our fifth jumper was injured, he didn’t hesitate to put himself on the dock, proving that he was willing to do whatever it took for the team. But that moment was just one example of the dedication he’s shown all year. Nicko has been there for every single tournament, regardless of whether he was skiing A team or not. At Nationals, I’m pretty sure he got MAYBE three hours of sleep. Nicko tends to be the last one asleep and the first one up to cheer people off of the dock, and absolutely deserves the most supportive skier award.

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