Home Forums 2024 SkiAmmy’s Happy Award – Most Supportive Alumni

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    Did they attend every tournament this season to help out as a judge/driver/cheerleader? Help coach during the day after day, week after week? Provide some necessary gear improvements?

    What alumni did you see make the biggest impact for their team or the region in the Midwest this year?


    I would like to nominate Jalin Olsen (alumni of GVSU waterski) for most supportive alumni. Jalin has always had a great heart and is willing to help out whenever she was needed. In my freshman year, whenever I wasn’t confident in trying something she always gave me more confidence to try whatever it was I was scared of. Not only did she help me out as a freshman, but she also gave guidance to the new freshman this year as well which is what any alumni should do for an athlete on their team. Jalin’s actions never go unnoticed when it comes to support which is why she is a great nominee for this award.


    I would like to nominate Jim Grabowski (alumni of Marquette) for most supportive alumni. For the last 4 years, our team has had a trailer sitting in the school parking lot with lights that didn’t work and a organization system that was essentially disfunctional. Over the past summer, Jim took it into his own hands to fix the trailer up and redo the inside, which we were then able to use at every tournament this year, meaning we didn’t have to bring extra cars just to carry gear. Additionally, he offered practices for our team every week over summer and fall and coordinated with the Pewaukee Lake show ski team to help us get access to their jump. This has helped our team go from having about 10% of our members be able to land a jump to 90% which has made a huge impact on our team. Jim has also graciously allowed the team to borrow equipment from him for tournaments and practices, as well. Before we were in contact with Jim, our team would be lucky to get 3-4 people out to practice even once in a season, and due to his effort and other alumni that he has connected us with, we now are running practices upwards of 5 times every week during the season.

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