Home Forums 2023 SkiAmmys Happy Award – Most Supportive Alumni

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    Did they attend every tournament this season to help out as a judge/driver/cheerleader? Help coach during the day after day, week after week? Provide some necessary gear improvements?

    What alumni did you see make the biggest impact for their team or the region in the Midwest this year?

    Leah LindemeyerLeah Lindemeyer

    Collin Faeth- After graduation, he has continued to be involved with MSU and support the team. Collin showed up to help us recruit during Sparticipation, our biggest recruiting event of the year, and has convinced various people he knew to join the team. One of the members who joined this season thanks to his influence is now our vice president! He showed up to MSU Ripfest to support the team and encourage us, he also helped coach skiers going off the jump. As a team, we appreciate the positive energy he always brings and how even post-graduation he is helping the team grow. The happy award is fitting for Collin because his love of water skiing is contagious and he always brings a smile to everyone’s face.

    Sean FreitagSean Freitag

    Logan Baggett from SIU! logan graduated a little over a year ago, he was the president before me, but I swear he helped more once he graduated than he did when he was on the team. This season Logan constantly volunteered his 1987 mastercraft to use for practices, this was a big help to us because our main practice boat was down for repairs. Logan never hesitated to help and he was always my go to person when I needed a hand working on our site. This year we’ve installed a slalom course, jump course, and done lots of work to our jump. There’s been lots of days where logan and I go to the lake with his boat just to work for a few hours and we don’t even get to ski. He’s now working for Varatti boats and always talks about how he wants to give back to the team. We owe a lot to Logan and he never ask for anything back.

    Mandy LawsonMandy Lawson

    Allison Hinrichs, we all know her and love her. She is single handedly the most supportive alumni any team could ask for, and Nebraska was lucky enough to have. Allison has supported Nebraska ever since she took the step from student to alumni. While working on applications for further education she has managed to also work at Bennetts waterski school to prepare and produce the national tournament. On the other side of that, Allie never stopped communicating with at least one member of the team. While she couldn’t physically be there for us throughout the season, Allie was able to mentally be there for the team and support us. She constantly made sure to run scores from all tournaments this fall season to help provide confidence going into the national tournament. While at the national tournament that Allison was running, she did her best to cheer on the team and provided as much support as anyone could ask from her.

    Without Allison Hinrichs the Nebraska Waterski Club would not have gotten as far as we have this season. We love you, and thank you, Allie!

    Rachel BellRachel Bell

    Greg Houser has been a part of Miami for many years. He not only skied for Miami while he was in college but has also come back to support us in many ways. He comes back and coaches our slalom team every single Monday afternoon. From countless cheers at tournaments to late nights of advice on how to get better, he was been a proper foundation for what Miami waterski is today.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Rachel BellRachel Bell.
    Katya WardleKatya Wardle

    Allie Kutsch from UW-Madison!! She was someone that I looked up to as a freshman while she was a senior on the team, and was my first contact in the 3-event world. As the secretary, she welcomed me with open arms, making me feel like I had met a forever family within the first week of school. She would drop anything to help out a fellow skier (whether she knows them or not) and we couldn’t be more grateful to continue to see her bright face at tournaments—just as a judge this time! She’s remained deeply committed to this sport, willing to sit in the judge’s tower for hours in the sun just to allow the rest of us to ski. We’d all be extremely lucky if we can even be a smidge like her once we graduate. She continues to look out for skiers both on and off the water, providing career opportunities and acting as a mentor for many. She’s got an infectious passion for the sport and continues to go above and beyond to ensure that skiers feel comfortable and safe at tournaments. She has unwavering dedication, encouragement, and tireless efforts in uplifting the waterskiing community, and is someone who undoubtedly deserves this recognition.

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